This minisymposium, co-hosted by the Chronic Brain Injury Discovery Theme (CBI), will showcase a variety of quantitative approaches to brain and spinal cord injury, neurodegeneration, cognitive neuroscience, and related research topics. Talks will highlight opportunities at the intersection of neuroscience and computation, and participants will have the opportunity to share perspectives on current work and the future of these disciplines.
The goal of the event is to foster interactions and to create new collaborations between neuroscientists and faculty in mathematics, statistics, and engineering.
Candice Askwith
Department of Neuroscience
The Ohio State University
Janet Best
Department of Mathematics
The Ohio State University
Catherine Calder
The Ohio State University
Kedar Hiremath
Chronic Brain Injury Discovery Theme
The Ohio State University
Kevin Passino
Electric and Computer Engineering
The Ohio State University
Baldwin Way
Department of Psychology
The Ohio State University
Speakers and Talks
Anthony Brown, PhD. - Department of Neuroscience, The Ohio State University
Dr. Brown is a Professor in the Department of Neuroscience, Director of the Ohio State University Neuroscience Center Core and Co-Director of the Interdisciplinary Graduate Program in Molecular, Cellular and Developmental Biology. He is a neuronal cell biologist with more than 30 years of experience studying intracellular transport and the cytoskeleton in nerve cells (www.neurofilament.osu.edu). He has a long-standing NSF-funded collaboration with Dr. Peter Jung, Distinguished Professor at Ohio University, to use computational modeling to explore the relationship between axonal transport and axonal morphology. Drs. Brown and Jung are co-mentoring Dr. Veronica Ciocanel, MBI post-doc, in a computational modeling project on neurofilament transport across nodes of Ranvier.
Veronica Ciocanel, Ph.D. - Mathematical Biosciences Institute, The Ohio State University
Veronica Ciocanel received her PhD in Applied Mathematics from Brown University in 2017, where her work focused on modeling spatial differentiation in early developing organisms such as frog oocytes. She joined the Mathematical Biosciences Institute at Ohio State as a Postdoctoral Fellow, and in 2018 she was selected in the inaugural class of President’s Postdoctoral Scholars at The Ohio State University. At OSU, she collaborates with Dr. Anthony Brown and Dr. Peter Jung (Ohio University) to model axonal transport kinetics through nodes of Ranvier, and with Adriana Dawes to understand motor-filament interactions leading to contractile rings in the worm reproductive system.
Kiryung Lee, Ph.D. - Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering, The Ohio State University
Kiryung Lee is joining the Ohio State Univeristy as an Assistant Professor in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE), starting August 2018. His research focuses on developing mathematical theory and optimization algorithms for inverse problems in signal processing, imaging, machine learning, statistics, and data science. Dr. Lee received the B.S. and the M.S. degrees in Electrical Engineering from Seoul National University and the Ph.D. degree in ECE from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC). He was a Research Scientist II at Georgia Tech and a Postdoctoral Research Associate, a Visiting Lecturer, and a Visiting Assistant Professor in Statistics at UIUC. He has also worked in industry as a Member of Research Staff at the Electronic Telecommunications Research Institute and a Senior Research Engineer at the Mobile Multimedia Laboratory of the LG Electronics.
Alexander Petrov, Ph.D. - Department of Psychology, The Ohio State University
Dr. Alexander Petrov is a cognitive scientist with broad interdisciplinary interests. Holding a degree in computer science, he currently is an Associate Professor at the Department of Psychology. His research involves a combination of behavioral and psychophysical experimentation, mathematical and computational modeling, eyetracking and pupillometry. His recent work includes neural-network models of the visual system and a simulated autonomous agent that illustrates certain foundational claims in philosophy of mind.
Name | Affiliation | |
Seemaab Ali | seemaab.ali@osumc.edu | Comprehensive Cancer Center, The Ohio State University |
Candice Askwith | Candice.Askwith@osumc.edu | Department of Neuroscience, The Ohio State University |
Meredith Banhos | Meredith.Banhos@osumc.edu | Rehab Services - Dodd, The Ohio State University |
Janet Best | jbest@math.ohio-state.edu | Department of Mathematics, The Ohio State University |
Sayantanee Biswas | biswas.19@osu.edu | SBS-Neuroscience, The Ohio State University |
Anthony Brown | brown.2302@osu.edu | Neuroscience, The Ohio State University |
Catherine Calder | calder.13@osu.edu | Statistics, The Ohio State University |
Veronica Ciocanel | ciocanel.1@mbi.osu.edu | Mathematical Biosciences Institute, The Ohio State University |
Alan Esparza Gutierrez | Alan.EsparzaGutierrez@osumc.edu | Anesthesiology, The Ohio State University |
Hongjun (Harry) Fu | Hongjun.Fu@osumc.edu | SBS-Neuroscience, The Ohio State University |
Surya Gnyawali | surya.gnyawali@osumc.edu | CMIS, The Ohio State University |
Jonathan Godbout | jonathan.godbout@osumc.edu | SBS-Neuroscience, The Ohio State University |
Chen Gu | gu.49@osu.edu | Molecular, Cellular, and Developmental Biology, The Ohio State University |
Chris Hans | hans.11@osu.edu | Statistics, The Ohio State University |
Kate Hayes-Ozello | hayes-ozello.1@osu.edu | OR-Prop Dev Ctr, The Ohio State University |
Matthew Heard | heard.49@osu.edu | IGP-Neuroscience, The Ohio State University |
John Heimaster | heimaster.1@osu.edu | ASC Technology, The Ohio State University |
Kedar Hiremath | hiremath.7@osu.edu | Chronic Brain Injury Discovery Theme, The Ohio State University |
Sarah Janse | sarah.janse@osumc.edu | Center for Biostatistics, The Ohio State University |
Jaelyn Johnson | johnson.6646@osu.edu | Data Analytics, The Ohio State University |
James Jontes | jontes.1@osu.edu | SBS-Neuroscience, The Ohio State University |
Elly Kaizar | ekaizar@stat.osu.edu | Department of Statistics, The Ohio State University |
Alan Kessler | kessler.250@osu.edu | Microbiology, The Ohio State University |
January Kim | january.kim@osumc.edu | Anesthesiology, The Ohio State University |
Olga Kokiko-Cochran | olga.kokiko-cochran@osumc.edu | SBS-Neuroscience, The Ohio State University |
Kiryung Lee | lee.8763@osu.edu | Electrical & Computer Engineering, The Ohio State University |
Yune Lee | lee.7966@osu.edu | Department of Speech and Hearing Science, The Ohio State University |
Sarah Light | light.109@osu.edu | Neuroscience Graduate Prog, The Ohio State University |
Amanda Luff | amanda.luff@osumc.edu | Neurological Institute, The Ohio State University |
Meghan MacLean | meghan.maclean@osumc.edu | Rehab Services - Dodd, |
Stuart Mangel | mangel.1@osu..edu | Neuroscience, The Ohio State University |
Facundo Memoli | memoli@math.osu.edu | Department of Mathematics, The Ohio State University |
Sarah Mikula | mikula.28@osu.edu | Campus Microscopy & Imaging, The Ohio State University |
Seth Moore | Moore.3521@osu.edu | Computer & Info Science, The Ohio State University |
Randy Moses | moses.2@osu.edu | Research Administration, The Ohio State University |
Hidir Nogay | hiselnog@gmail.com | Mathematical Biosciences Institute, The Ohio State University |
John Opfer | opfer.7@osu.edu | Psychology, The Ohio State University |
David Osher | osher.6@osu.edu | Psychology, The Ohio State University |
Chloe Page | page.319@osu.edu | Psychology, The Ohio State University |
Dhabaleswar Panda | panda@cse.ohio-state.edu | Computer Science & Engineering, The Ohio State University |
Kevin Passino | passino@ece.osu.edu | Electrical and Computer Eng, The Ohio State University |
Mario Peruggia | peruggia.1@osu.edu | Department of Statistics, The Ohio State University |
Alexander Petrov | petrov.11@osu.edu | Department of Psychology, The Ohio State University |
Andreia Prisbrey | prisbrey.4@buckeyemail.osu.edu | Biology, The Ohio State University |
Carson Reider | carson.reider@osumc.edu | Neurological Institute, The Ohio State University |
Kelly Rich | kelly.rich@osumc.edu | Nisonger Center, The Ohio State University |
Francesco Sammartino | francesco.Sammartino@osumc.edu | Neurological Institute, The Ohio State University |
Zeynep Saygin | saygin.3@osu.edu | Psychology, The Ohio State University |
Ben Seicol | seicol.1@osu.edu | Inst for Behavioral Med Resrch, The Ohio State University |
Jaysingh Singh | singh.1312@osu.edu | Neurology, The Ohio State University |
Morley Stone | stone.816@osu.edu | Research Administration, The Ohio State University |
Zoe Tapp | tapp.16@osu.edu | SBS-Neuroscience, The Ohio State University |
Asuman Turkmen | turkmen.2@osu.edu | Statistics, The Ohio State University |
Wladimiro Villarroel | villarroel.1@osu.edu | Electrical & Computer Engr., The Ohio State University |
Haoran Wang | wang.8217@osu.edu | Computer & Information Science, The Ohio State University |
Yan Wang | yan.wang@osumc.edu | Neuroscience, The Ohio State University |
Baldwin Way | way.37@osu.edu | Department of Psychology, The Ohio State University |
Hsiu-Chuan Wei | hsiuwei@fcu.edu.tw | Mathematical Biosciences Institute, The Ohio State University |
Kristina Witcher | witcher.22@osu.edu | Neuroscience Graduate Prog, The Ohio State University |
Chuan Xue | cxue@math.osu.edu | Department of Mathematics, The Ohio State University |
Min Zhou | zhou.787@osu.edu | SBS-Neuroscience, The Ohio State University |
Ouliana Ziouzenkova | ziouzenkova.1@osu.edu | Human Sciences Administration, The Ohio State University |
- James Jontes - Department of Neuroscience: The Development of Zebrafish Brain Networks Determined by Multiplane Calcium Imaging
- Elly Kaizar - Department of Statistics: Multiply Imputed Data Banks for Hard-To-Study Populations: An Example in Pediatric Traumatic Brain Injury
- Olga Kokiko-Cochran - Department of Neuroscience: Considering the Effects Post-Traumatic Brain Injury Sleep Disruption
- Yune Lee - Department of Speech and Hearing: Shared Neural Network Between Music and Language
- Facundo Memoli - Department of Mathematics: The Importance of Forgetting: Limiting Memory Improves Recovery of Topological Characteristics from Neural Data
- David Osher - Department of Psychology: Computational Models of Brain Connectivity that Predict Neural Responses and Behavior
- Mario Peruggia - Department of Statistics: Bayesian Models for Response Times in Cognitive Experiments
- Francesco Sammartino - Department of Neurosurgery: Analysis of Longitudinal Micro-Structural Changes After Focused Ultrasound Thalamotomy
- Zeynep Saygin - Department of Psychology: Machine Learning to Study the Developing Human Mind and Brain
- Kristina Witcher - Department of Neuroscience: Transcriptomics of Immune Signaling in Brain Injury and Aging
- Chuan Xue - Department of Mathematics: A Mathematical Model for the Formation of Axonal Varicosities Induced by Mechanical Stress that Mimicks Brain Concussion
- Min Zhou - Department of Neuroscience: Astrocyte Networks
- Dhabaleswar Panda - Department of Computer Science and Engineering: Updates from the Advanced Computational Neuroscience Network