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We would love to hear from you if any products have arisen from your participation in MBI activities, or if you have any other news of interest to MBI or the greater mathematical biosciences community.

The information you provide in this form will be useful in evaluating the productivity of MBI programs and may be shared with the National Science Foundation or other funding agencies. We may also contact you to request permission to share your news on the MBI website or social media.

Suggested wording for acknowledging MBI in your research can be found here: https://mbi.osu.edu/about/core-support

Please tell us your first and last name
Please tell us the name of the event or series of events your product arose from
Please provide a brief (2-3 sentence) description of your submission

If your submission is a product that can be cited, please list the citation information in the appropriate field below.

(Include if work is published or in press) (FORMAT: Long, C. L. and L. Kubatko. 2019. Identifiability and reconstructibility of species phylogenies under a modified coalescent. Bulletin of Mathematical Biology 81: 408-430.)
(FORMAT: Kubatko, L., J. Best, T. Nance, and Y. Lou. 2013. Constructing an undergraduate biomath curriculum at a large univeristy, part II: Implementing first year biomath coures at The Ohio State University, in Undergraduate Mathematics for the Life Sciences: Processes, Models, Assessment, and Directions, edited by G. Ledder, J. P. Carpenter, and T. Comar, published by the Mathematical Association of America, pages 25-32, ISBN 9780883851913.)
(Indicate presenter(s), date, title, and venue) (FORMAT: Peng, J. Pseudolikeihood estimation of speciation times under the coalescent model, presented at the Joint Statistical Meetings, Denver, CO, 2019.)
(Indicate investigators, year, title, sponsoring organization, amount and funding status.) (FORMAT: Wolfe, A. D. and L. S. Kubatko. 2015-2019. Testing adaptive radiation theory in Penstemon. National Science Foundation, Division of Environmental Biology. $758,208. Funded.)
(Indicate date, location, title, organizer, and number of participants) (FORMAT: Boykin, L. and L. Kubatko. 2018. Systematics Research in Africa: Impact for Millions, Joint Congress on Evolutionary Biology (Evolution 2018), Montpellier, France.)
(List theses or dissertations, new courses, course materials or training workshops, including name, data, title) (FORMAT: Hoffman, L. 2010. Dissertation: Disease gene mapping under the coalescent model. The Ohio State University.)
(Please provide a brief description and provide MBI with a copy where appropriate) (FORMAT: Blischak, P. 2018. HyDe (Hybridization Detection using phylogenetic invariants), available at https://github.com/pblischak/HyDe.)
(Include articles, in popular magazines, radio and video coverage, and online publicity) (FORMAT: Crayfish species known as mudbugs excel at tunneling, Columbus Dispatch, August 18, 2019 (https://www.dispatch.com/entertainmentlife/20190818/nature--crayfish-species-known-as-mudbugs-excel-at-tunneling).)
(Authors, dates, title, description, etc.)